We Welcome Dr. David Miller and Dr. John Sullivan’s Patients. Instrument Adjusting is our Niche too.


Chiropractic care and migraine headaches

Frequency  and length of time of the migraines was less with chiropractic treatment Today we will review a few of the papers that show the reduction in migraines The answer is yes, and here’s some proof: Seventy-two per cent of migraine sufferers in a clinical trial experienced either ‘substantial’ or ‘noticeable’ improvement after a period of

Chiropractic care and migraine headaches Read More »

low back and neck pain stats: Hump Day Realignment

85/100 will get low back pain, 1/3 will suffer neck pain. Take care of it with an adjustment before it takes care of you. 🙂 We can help with a non twisting non cracking type of adjustment called Instrument Based Adjusting. [Tweet “#activator #impulse a great no twist no crack chiro #adjustment option”]     Justin Trosclair

low back and neck pain stats: Hump Day Realignment Read More »

Neck Stiffness related Headaches reduced by 50% from chiropractic adjustments

Headaches coming from neck stiffness is an unfortunate part of many people’s lives No need to suffer because chiropractic adjustments can reduce the pain and frequency Cervicogenic headaches, or headaches that originate in the neck, are usually more than a little bothersome. Not only do they cause you a decent amount of pain, but they

Neck Stiffness related Headaches reduced by 50% from chiropractic adjustments Read More »