We Welcome Dr. David Miller and Dr. John Sullivan’s Patients. Instrument Adjusting is our Niche too.

Functional Loading Rehab Blueprints Tom Teter DC Rehab to Fitness

This podcast hosted by Dr. Justin Dusicysses talks about the practitioner can take patients through a process that starts with injury care to soft tissue treatment to rehabilitative exercise. Acute Management – Fundamental Kinematics – Motor Control – Functional Integration – Progressive Kinaesthetics – Foundational Capacity Dr. Teter walks us through a sprain/ strain ankle […]

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What You Should Know About Splenda

Most people know that Nutra-Sweet (Aspartame) is very unhealthy.But what about Splenda and other artificial sweeteners? Researchers recently investigated sucralose (Splenda) to see if itcould reduce hunger and keep blood sugar steady. They found thatit could not. The researchers hoped to find that sucralose could cause theintestine to produce a hormone that reduces blood sugar

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Identifying Biomechanical Failure Patterns Rob Pape DC Quadrant Analysis

This podcast hosted by Dr. Justin Dusicysses talks about Quadrant analysis helps practitioners navigate treatment based on a subclassification system breaking down biomechanical failure into traceable patterns. Codifying how you process and work on patients, while actually working on patients is a difficult endeavor but he managed to compile the quadrant analysis system and hopes

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Children and Manners

I came across a great article the other day and wanted to share itwith you. The article talked about the simple rules of etiquetteand manners for children. However, when I looked at the list ofmanners, these apply to both adults and children. Sometimes kids just don’t realize it’s impolite to do certainthings, and because of

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