We Welcome Dr. David Miller and Dr. John Sullivan’s Patients. Instrument Adjusting is our Niche too.

What do you want MOST with your health

What most people want in health is Pain Free living and to be happy

Chiropractors would add flexibility, less stressed body’s and less medications.

I was thinking the other day…

“What is it that people want MOST when it comes to their health?”

On my list I had:

  1. People want to be pain free
  2. People want to feel good
  3. People want to have good flexibility
  4. People don’t want to have stiff and sore muscles and joints
  5. People want their body to be working properly
  6. People don’t want to feel stressed
  7. People don’t want to get sick all the time
  8. People don’t want to be taking medications all the time

Then I got to thinking, WHY is it important that we have these things?

  1. So we can work at our best and be productive
  2. So we can enjoy our hobbies
  3. So we can remain active and live life to its fullest
  4. So we can keep up with our children and our grandchildren

Maybe you’ve got some other ideas of what is important to you when it comes to health and how that impacts your life.  The point here is to think about these things.  Figure out what good health means to YOU and why it’s important.  There are FEW things as important as your health because if you don’t feel good or have health problems, it will affect every area of your life.  So make sure you have a “health plan” in place.  And make sure you are taking care of your mind and your body on a regular and consistent basis.   [Tweet “Figure out what good health means to YOU and why it’s important. Get a #healthplan”]

There are lots of things you can do.  And you may not know this, but chiropractic adjustments have been proven to provide the health benefits listed above, so if you aren’t already doing this, consider getting using chiropractic care to not just get out of pain, but to keep yourself healthy and feeling great.  We have a lot of patients who come in and get an adjustment once a month, and it does wonders for them.

If you would like me to help you develop a “game plan” to help you have great health all the time, just email me and let me know.  I’d be happy to help

Have a great day!

Dr. Justin Trosclair DC

serving Breaux Bridge, Lafayette, Henderson, Parks, Cecilia 70517, 70506, 70592