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Pancake lady street corner brawl

At the corner of the hospital is a lady with a cart and she makes round pancakes.  She uses coal for fire and oil for the baking.  She was there everyday selling these little pancakes for one RMB each.

For the last several weeks she really has not been there. I asked someone and they said her mom is sick so she cannot be there every morning like she used to.

Of course I’m upset because I want my little pancake but you know that’s just me being insensitive. So then this week I noticed that somebody else was there. But this is a different lady. I think she must have came from a different corner and took this corner. Then the drama happened the following day.
Both ladies were with their pancake carts and  they were yelling at each other.

I’m sure it went something like this: you crazy lady, my mama is sick you can’t just come here and take my cooking spot, I’ve been here for the past 20 years, I’ll beat your face in, get out of here, get out of here. And then I’m sure the other lady was like :you don’t own this corner, you have not been here for weeks, you snooze you lose, Go attend to your no good dying  mother, you dummy. Well I’m not sure what they said. But then it got crazier.

Next thing you know, the Original Pancake lady started throwing dough at the other one. Not to be outdone, the other lady threw back. But then the original lady took the hot grease and threw it all over this lady’s face and arm.

I’ll never get that scream out of my head again, it was crazy, blistered the ladies skin on contact. The Original Pancake lady tumbles her competitors  cart over and started screaming at her and kicking dirt in her face.

This was the dirt from the  hotel that is getting remodeled two doors down. When the police finally showed up to help the burn lady, they took her to the hospital. Luckily she was already in the parking lot and she got taken care of.

The Original Pancake lady had nothing happen to her because the police were like, yep she’s been here for a long time, you should not have came , you got what you deserved. Police must live by the street code here.

And of course I got no pancake that morning, regardless.

Also, almost none of this story is true but ling and I were laughing about it so hard that I figured let me blog it.

The only truth is that the pancake lady has been missing from the corner because her mom is sick and she has been at the corner maybe 3 times in the past month. Which does mean I have to figure something else out for breakfast . I do miss those pancakes.

Have a great one.

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