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5 Red Flags In The Freezer Aisle

Do you ever buy frozen foods freezer at the grocery store?

I’m sure you
have. The main benefit of frozen foods is their convenience. Just
pop them in the over and it’s ready in no time at all – with no
cooking required.

However, the frozen foods section is packed with dietary land mines
that can sabotage your weight and health. So today I wanted to
point out a few things to look for…and avoid…when buying frozen

1. High Glycemic Load

Wheat flour, rice flour, and other starchy ingredients are at the
top of the ingredient list on most frozen foods. You’ll find that
many have as many as 40 grams of carbohydrate per serving, with
only a few grams of fiber. When you see that, this is your clue
that you’re looking at a high-glycemic food that will spike your
blood sugar, promote fat storage, and contribute to chronic disease.

2. Empty Calories

At first glance, it may seem that a packaged freezer food provides decent
nutrition (i.e. 10 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and 5 grams of
fiber per serving). But look closer at where those calories are
coming from. Clean organic sources of protein? Healthy fats?
Nutrient-rich veggies? Probably not. The bulk of ingredients in
frozen foods are low quality and devoid of nutrients.

3. Filler Proteins

There is a filler called “soy protein isolate” that is found in
many frozen foods. The reason it’s in the food is because it’s
inexpensive. Don’t be duped into thinking soy protein isolate is a
health food. It’s definitely not. And it is in almost every
packaged frozen foods, including organic ones like Amy’s and Kashi.

4. Unhealthy Fats

The label tells you that your ready-meal contains polyunsaturated
fat – but it doesn’t tell you whether it is omega-6 fat or omega-3
fat. Omega-3 fats are critical to our health but severely lacking
in the typical American diet. Omega-6 fats, on the other hand, are
overly abundant and are one of the primary dietary causes of
inflammation…the cornerstone of disease.

5. Sodium

In order to get bland-tasting wheat flour, beans, and rice to taste
good, manufacturers rely on salt. Too much sodium, coupled with not
enough potassium in the diet, is a recipe for high blood pressure
that can lead to heart attack and stroke.
To make smart food choices, all it takes is an understanding of the
factors that go into making food healthy (or unhealthy) and a
little time spent on planning ahead.

So look out for these ingredients when buying frozen foods, and try
to avoid them if you can.

Have a great day and I’ll talk to you soon!


Dr. Justin Trosclair dc
