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The 5 Step System Achieving Your Goals

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I want to give you a 5 step formula for setting
your goals and then mapping out a course of action to actually
accomplish them.

If you are something who’s looking to make improvements in your
life in 2022, then I think this will really help you and you will
find a lot of value in this information.


Step 1: Setting Your Goals

Here are two common problems most people have when they set goals:

  1. They set TOO MANY goals
  2. Their goals are UNORGANIZED

I want you to set no more than 8 to 12 goals. That’s it. If you
set more than that, you’ll feel overwhelmed and stressed and it
will lead to failure.

The next part of this is you need to organize your goals into these
areas of your life:

  1. Health/Wellness Goals
  2. Wealth/Business Goals
  3. Personal/Recreational Goals
  4. Family/Relationship Goals
  5. Social/Community Goals

Why have goals in each of these areas of your life? Because it
will help you focus on maintaining balance in your life, which is
very important.

Now, if you are happy with one of these areas of your life and
don’t want or need to set a goal in that area, that’s fine. But if
you want to set a goal in each area, then you are limited to just 2
GOALS per area. And do not set more than 3 goals in any area.

So when you are setting your goals, focus on the 1 or 2 MOST
IMPORTANT THINGS you want to accomplish or improve in 2022 for each
area of your life and then stick with that. (You’ll notice that
focusing on 2 goals per area is MUCH EASIER than focusing on 5 or
10 per area.)

Remember, this has to be DO-ABLE, or it won’t work!


Step 2: Explain WHY These Goals Are Important

This is EXTREMELY important. For each goal that you have, you need
to be crystal clear WHY you want to accomplish each goal. This
will give POWER and MOTIVATION to each goal.

For example, let’s say your primary health and wellness goal is you
want to lose 20 pounds by the end of 2022. You can’t just say, “I
want to lose 20 pounds this year.” That is not specific enough.
Here’s an example I made up of what you would want to do:

“I want to lose 20 pounds this year. The reason why I want to lose
this weight is because I want to improve the way I look and feel
each and every day. I want to maintain a healthy weight because I
feel better about myself and have more energy when I am at my
optimal weight. Losing this weight will also allow me to be more
active with my children and will decrease my risk of heart disease

  • which is in my family.”

Do you see the difference? Do you see how much more powerful the
goal becomes when you attach a WHY to it? When you attach WHY’S
that are important to YOU, it gives your goals more depth and
meaning. It makes your goals more important. And it motivates you

So once you’ve set your 8 to 12 goals, now go through each one and
write a detailed explanation of WHY it’s important to you that you
accomplish these goals.


Step 3: Set Monthly Milestones For Each Goal

What you want to do is set up milestone “targets” for each month as
you work toward accomplishing your annual goals.

Here are some examples:

Let’s say you want to lose 24 pounds by the end of 2022. To lose
20 pounds by the end of the year, that means you need to lose 2
pounds a month. So your monthly milestone each would be losing 2
pounds (which is very do-able I might add).

Here’s another example. Let’s say one of your goals for 2022 is to
improve your marriage. A monthly milestone might be that each
month you commit to you and your spouse having a “date night” and
getting out of the house and going to dinner or doing something fun
together. And you CANNOT miss a month.
Here’s a third example. Let’s say one of your goals is to have a
healthier body. One of your monthly milestones may be to exercise
12 times a month and get 1 chiropractic adjustment each month.

So go ahead and look at your goals and break them down into monthly
milestones that need to be accomplished each month.


Step 4: Set Weekly and Daily Tasks & Actions

Here’s an important thing to remember:

“The Achievement Of Your Goals Is TOTALLY Determined By Your Daily

You need to make sure that your DAILY and WEEKLY ACTIONS are in
line with your monthly milestones.

If you plan out your daily and weekly actions and tasks that need
to be done to accomplish your monthly milestones, it will be
virtually impossible for you to not reach your goals by the end of
the year.

Some of your goals will require you to approach them on a daily
basis…others will require a weekly approach.

So plan out each day and week to make sure you can achieve your
monthly milestones.


Step 5: Prioritize Your Life

When you schedule time to work on your goals, you need to commit to
doing the daily actions that will get you to your monthly
milestones FIRST before anything else. If you do these activities
FIRST on a consistent basis, you are almost guaranteed to hit your
monthly milestones and ultimately achieve your yearly goals.

It’s important that you pay attention to how you spend your time
and focus on the actions and tasks that will move you in the
direction of achieving your goals.
We are all busy, so MAKE SURE you prioritize how you spend your
time and do the important things first.

This is why you can’t have 20 goals a year. You would not have
enough time to do the daily or weekly actions for that many goals.

If you follow these 5 steps, I promise you’ll have a much better
chance of accomplishing your goals in 2022.

Good luck, and I wish you the best in the upcoming year. I’ll see
you in the office.

Dr. Justin Trosclair

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