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Low Carb Lifestyle Reversing Metabolic Syndrome

Dr. Peter Foley joined Dr. Trosclair from the UK to discuss how the recommendations he has been making (low carb) has reversed metabolic syndrome (heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes). Hear the differences between UK and USA healthcare and how we can take the best of both styles of healthcare.

Does he recommend intermittent fasting and what type of exercising does he find most beneficial? How do we manage lower calorie intake and the slight hunger we feel?

Listen to the Podcast Episode Below- just click play


The full transcript and other notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/43 .

if you would like to talk to Dr. Justin and see how he can help with diet, exercise and things you would Actually DO… call the number below by clicking the button.

a doctors perspective E43 dr peter foley md a doctors perspective podcast