Anglo-European College of Chiropractic has shown that chiropractic care provides a lot of benefit for children who have colic.
crying was significantly reduced by about 2 hours on average. Four weeks later, colic had disappeared in 82% of the children (infants) undergoing chiropractic care.
I was doing some research online the other day and found some
information that I thought worthy to share with you.
I know that many of my patients are either parents or grandparents,
and if you aren’t, this is still important information to know.
A recent study done late last year at the Anglo-European College of
Chiropractic has shown that chiropractic care provides a lot of
benefit for children who have colic.
If you’re not sure what colic is, it’s generally defined as
persistent crying, not likely to be soothed by a caring parent,
mainly occurring in the late afternoon and evening in infants who
are well fed and healthy.
Colic is a condition with no known treatment protocols that have
been proven to be entirely effective, so having a study that shows
positive results with chiropractic care makes chiropractic a
reasonable option that parents may want to try.
By the seventh day of the study, crying was significantly reduced by
about 2 hours on average. Four weeks later, colic had disappeared
in 82% of the infants undergoing chiropractic care.
[Tweet “82%infants with #colic disappeared in 4 weeks w #chiropractic”]Pretty cool, huh?
The bottom line is that a properly functioning nervous system is just
as important in infants as it is in adults. Stress and other
imbalances have a negative affect on our bodies. In children this
can cause colic and other symptoms. And as you can see by the
results of this study, chiropractic care is proven method of helping
children get healthy safely and naturally.
So if you know someone who has a child with colic and it’s not
getting better, send them this article and have them give me a call
and I’ll be happy to help them out.
Have a great day!
Dr. Justin Trosclair
Source:, March 16, 2009
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