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What You Need To Know About Medical Errors

I came across an interesting article the other day and wanted to
share some of the information with you. There’s a dirty little
health care secret that no one wants you to know about, and that is…

Medical errors are one of the leading causes of death in the United

Did you know that medical errors account for a death every 3
minutes? Neither did I. But it gets even worse. Check this out:

  • It is estimated by the Department of Health and Human Services
    that 180,000 people die every year from “adverse events” (medical
  • 493 people per day, 20 deaths PER HOUR occur in the United States
    from medical error.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 80,000
    of the deaths are caused by errors that could be caught and
    prevented, such as letting infections develop, giving patients the
    wrong medication, or giving patients the wrong dose of the right

To put this in perspective, if a 747 jet airplane crashed EVERY
DAY, killing all 500 people aboard, that would be similar to
the number of deaths occurring from medical errors.

And despite these numbers, there is no public outrage or sense of
concern by the American public. Why is that? Part of the problem
is cultural authority. The cultural authority and acceptance of
the medical profession allow MDs and hospitals to get by with
their errors…which are equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every day.

So what can you do to avoid being a statistic? Proactively
maintain your health. Eat healthy, exercise, take care of your
structural health with chiropractic care, massage, etc., limit your
drug intake the best you can, make sure you are getting enough rest
at night, and so on.

You cannot rely on the medical profession for HEALTH. They are
there to help you when you have emergencies or diseases. If you
want HEALTH, then you have to focus on the things mentioned above
and do them consistently.

Email me if you have any comments or questions. I’d love to hear
from you!


Dr. Justin Trosclair DC

Ger free chapters of my health reboot book now.

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