Study Shows How To Get More Out Of Chiropractic

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In the scientific research periodical, the Journal of Manipulative
and Physiological Therapeutics comes a study that will help you…

Keep Your Aches, Pains, and Stress A Distant Memory

The study divided the subjects into two groups. The first group
received 12 chiropractic adjustments in one month, followed by a
reduced schedule of one adjustment every three weeks for 9 months.
The second group only received one month of chiropractic care. The
two groups were then compared and evaluated for pain and disability.

What They Found…

The results showed that both groups had similar reduction of pain
and disability after the initial 30 days of chiropractic care.
However the big difference was the group that received one
adjustment every three weeks for nine months was able to maintain
their reduction in disability. The group that only received one
month of care returned to the same levels of disability that they
were experiencing prior to the initial chiropractic care.

How This Benefits You

Understanding this information could make a big difference for you.
This study more than anything confirms the importance and
necessity of taking your spinal health seriously and actually
taking care of your back on a regular basis. (Just like you do your

Great health and a wonderful quality of life are created by taking
care of your body in all areas on a regular basis. This includes
your spine, your teeth, your cardiovascular system, and so on.

You get out of chiropractic care what you put into it. If you
never use it, chiropractic obviously can’t help you much. But if
you make it part of the regular activities you do to keep yourself
healthy, you will start to experience the benefits that my family
and thousands of others who use it regularly get to experience. It
is truly a wonderful way to live.

See you soon!

Committed to improving your health,

Dr. Justin Trosclair

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