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Printing Dentistry and Chiro Referrals Colin Lathrop DDS

This podcast hosted by Dr. Justin Trosclair talks about all your dental tooth needs,  3d Printing Dentistry, referral opportunity, and not have dedicated front staff .

3d printing and advanced digital scanning for all your dental tooth needs. Custom fit, quicker chair time and happy patients. How a chiropractor and dentist can be a referral team and cross train your team members. Colin Lathrop DDS

According to Dr. Lathrop, the boredom of plan jane general dentistry got him to learn the more complicated and newest technology advances in dentistry. Not only does it pay better as well, but it gives the patients better outcomes and gives him more personal satisfaction.

When he does these long cases (invisalign followed by implants- a 1 year process) you have to communicate clear expectations to the patient.     

Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/143 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.

If you like to talk to Dr. Justin and see how he can help with surgical grafts, teeth implants, fake teeth and dental cases. Call the number Tel:13374535199 or schedule here http://www.drjustintrosclair.com/bookonline.

Email us here for your questions.

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Listen to the podcast here just click play.