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Older Adults Need More Vitamin D

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Over the past few years, there has been increasing news about the
importance of vitamin D. I’m not sure if you’ve heard about it or
not, so I wanted to update you with some new news on the topic.

According to a new guide released by the International Osteoporosis
Foundation, older adults need up to twice the amount of vitamin D
that is typically recommended.

The new guide urged adults ages 65 and older to take 800 to 1,000
IU of vitamin D each day. This is significantly greater than the
U.S. recommended daily allowance of 400 IU for ages 51 to 70, and
600 IU for people 71 and older.

Also, the International Osteoporosis Foundation said that intakes
of up to 2,000 IU may be necessary for people who are obese, have
osteoporosis, have limited sun exposure, or have problems absorbing
vitamin D.

Dr. Bess Dawson-Hughes of Tufts University said in regards to the
increased consumption of vitamin D, “This is a relatively easy
public health measure that could have significant positive effects
on the incidence of osteoporotic fractures.”

The guide also recommended vitamin D blood tests for people who may
be deficient.

So may sure not only you but your family members over the age of 65
are getting the correct amount of vitamin D in your daily diet!

Have a great day and I’ll see you soon!

Dr. Justin Trosclair dc
Source: Los Angeles Times

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