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From Chiropractor to Nurse Find Your Passion with Martin Beyer DC BSN

This podcast hosted by Dr. Justin Trosclair talks about his life and changed the course of his career.

British by birth, Canadian by immigration, followed by immigration to America after being a student and green card holder, Martin Beyer Doctor of Chiropractic shares his journey.  Dr. Beyer discusses his life and role as an associate doctor and how that led him to Arizona.

His journey is one filled with the eye opening truth about being in a forced entrepreneur career and what it takes to change careers so that you are personally satisfied, financially secure and gain the home and work life balance.  He found balance in nursing more than he ever did with chiropractic.

If you like to talk to Dr. Justin and see how he can help with changing of career and etc. Call the number Tel:13374535199 or schedule here http://www.drjustintrosclair.com/bookonline.

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