This podcast hosted by Dr. Justin Trosclair talks about how to monetize the blog and how to make a long distance relationship blossom and staffing tips.
WellFitandFed ’s pulse is on nutrition, fitness and wellness but in a consistent model with chiropractic so patients could have resources on important health topics to constantly reference back to.
With so many options to monetize a blog via sponsors, guest posts etc, why did she decide to create her own programs? *Dr. Heather is not “all about money,” I just asked her practical questions about how to make a living not in brick and mortar clinic.
3 Day Reset: We can’t all stick to a regimented diet for 30 days. Can you just be strict with your food plan for 3 days a week though? What if you only did 3 days per month… now what if you could do 3 days per week? That’s 40% of your month eating clean and getting benefits. Find it online.
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and the interview transcription.
If you like to talk to Dr. Justin and see how he can help with blogging and coaching . Call the number Tel:13374535199 or schedule here