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How to know if Elective Surgeries and Telehealth in 2021 Is For You

Should elective surgeries occur during the coronavirus pandemic and how can a neuro surgeon and you start telehealth with your patients? Dr. Michael Verdon DO FACOS explains his view on the current covid-19 doctor patient landscape.
Take a listen to the audio above to here the full interview Dr. Justin did. The video is a teaser of a few things to expect.
Do you have telehealth concerns or would like to try it? Let me know, I can do it.

visit the full a doctor’s perspective http://www.adoctorsperspective.net/150 episode here.
He makes a good point: does the gloves and mask I wear now to treat a non emergency case that could be ascertained via doxy (video calls) be worth it, if down the line we have a massive shortage of supplies for more life threatening complications from the coronavirus?
Should neurologists, orthopedics, dermatologists etc be on the front line of helping with corona patients: ie operating ventilators?

How do we set up a practice with other physicians with a mix of virtual visits (telehealth) and in office care?
Find the pain generator, and you can pick the most appropriate procedure or referral to chiropractic or physical therapy. Don’t treat an MRI – treat the Patient.

a doctors perspective telehealth elective surgery michael verdon do facos


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